Eurasylum interviewt Jonathan Faull
Die britische Beratungsfirma Eurasylum hat diesen Monat Jonathan Faull interviewt, den gegenweärtigen Generaldirektor für Justiz, Freiheit und Sicherheit der Europäischen Kommission. In der EU ist ja zur Zeit viel die Rede von der Regulierung sogenannter mixed flows, und tatsächlich dreht sich das Interview hauptsächlich um Arbeitsmigration. Glücklicherweise geht die Integration nicht ganz unter:
The issues of interation [sic! - rp] and intercultural dialogue clearly have a high priority for the EU. The Commission is actively promoting the implementation of the Common Agenda for Integration, putting into practice the Common Basic Principles on integration adopted in 2004, which provides a framework for the integration of third-country nationals in the European Union. To facilitate this process we are making available a set of European tools: a network of National Contact Points on Integration, Handbooks on Integration for policy-makers and practitioners, Annual Reports on Migration and Integration, an integration website (under development) and various fora for consultation of stakeholders. Finally, it is important to recall that under the financial perspectives 2007-2013, there will be a specific European Fund for the Integration of third-country nationals which shall further facilitate integration efforts. 2008 will be the 'European Year of Intercultural Dialogue' and its focus will be on dialogue in daily life, for example in schools, sporting and cultural activities, and at work.Nun, warten wir mal ab, ob dies für Flüchtlinge irgendetwas bringt.
fluequal - 30. Mai, 01:47
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